

We would like to formally announce our partnership with B1G1: Business for Good and our Charitable Giving Program we call 9 Ways of Connecting.

At Nine Business Group we do several things and we serve our clients and our community in so many ways. We believe that one of the most important things we do is connect good people with good people. The connection and introduction of good people to good people has been the foundation of every single effort we perform at Nine Business Group. So our giving back program is based on that, the connecting of people.

So what does it mean to connect good people to good people?

Firstly, the objective of connecting good people with each other is to help them both mutually benefit from the relationship. Secondly, we believe good people are: innocent, trustworthy, humble, honest, grateful and open-minded.

In my mind there are no more innocent of people than those who are being benefited by an organization called Buy1GIVE1 [B1G1: Business for Good].
These innocent people are so far removed from our land of abundance that we live in everyday. It was this past year when I was traveling and working in Bali I that I was introduced to B1G1 and the ‘Power of Small’.
I fell in love with B1G1 and their business model. It struck a real chord with me. I discovered and was humbled by how effective my giving could be, how much I could give with so little. I felt for the very first time that I had finally found a way in which I am able to connect my clients, my business, the GREAT People in my life with other great people around the world, a way in which I could show my gratitude and say thank you for the gifts I have received in my business and my life.
The model is simple: we give each time we receive, we connect our world with those less fortunate than ourselves. The gifts we receive each and every day are listed on the following page.
The more people we connect with the more people get connected around the world with our giving. Please see below some more information on B1G1 and how we give based on the connections we are directly responsible for.

B1G1: Business for Good

  • B1G1 gives businesses around the world the power to change lives through the ‘Power of Small’. B1G1: Business for Good provides us the tools and resources to impact lives and simultaneously transform the businesses of my clients.

This partnership allows me and my clients to easily donate to 600+ high impact projects worldwide. 100% of our giving goes to the projects we choose. And more importantly, you create 3 special things around your business giving: IMPACT, HABIT and CONNECTION. For even more info please visit their website at

9 Ways of Connecting


  • Each new client will receive a Annual Membership to B1G1 Business for Good for 2016 and will steward how they have incorporated The Power of Small into their businesses.

BNI referral received & Clients from BNI Referrals:
In recognition for all that BNI provides to our office and our clients:

  • For each Referral we receive we will provide 2 children in rural India access to an e-learning centre for 1 year. To meet the demands of today’s global economy, it is crucial that children receive quality education and development that equips them with 21st century skills.
  • For each new client we receive through BNI we will provide a sanitary household latrine to 2 underprivileged families living below the poverty line in India for a year. Safe and hygienic sanitation facilities improve overall health by reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases. Field workers are trained and leach pits are dug for the construction of the sanitation units. With periodic repairs and maintenance, a sanitary unit can serve a family for 20 to 30 years. Put an end to the undesirable practice of open defecation and provide families in rural India with a sense of dignity by improving their quality of life.

Marketing and Social Media

  • To recognize the gift and benefit of social media marketing, for each new connection we receive (LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter etc.) we will quench the thirst of the people living in Tigray! We will provide them clean drinking water for 3 months. The provision of clean and hygienic water will reduce a woman’s average daily water collection time; effectively reduces children mortality rate from water-borne diseases; and allows girls to receive a proper education instead of spending their time collecting water.

More Connecting to Come in 2016

  • Please stay tune throughout 2016 as we further develop and roll out more ways of connecting our business activities here in Canada with other people around the world.