Training Modules
Behavioural Styles
This program is designed to help trainees learn to adopt DISC & VAK into their daily lives.
(intended learning outcomes)
Proficiencies & Adoption
Now that the trainees have been introduced to learning and behavioural styles, DISC & VAK, this program is about adopting them in the work place, internally and with customers. Being able to identify the learning and behavioural styles in others and then adjust their style to improve communication.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,087.50 pp
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
EofCS: #4 LtoI
Perception Points – An Introduction
(intended learning outcomes)
Define what a perception point is.
Identify perception points within the organization.
Identify service level problems at specific points within your organization.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$2,175 pp
Instructional Hours
6 classroom hours
12 Building Blocks of Customer Service – Creating influential customer service
Trainees will be able to identify, measure, set, change and implement customer service into daily tasks and routines in the work place.
(intended learning outcomes)
The trainees will now learn how to apply their Customer Service knowledge into the day to day operations of the business.
Work flows, job descriptions and organizational charts will be reviewed and then modified accordingly by the employees to adjust Customer Service standards they want to achieve in the business on a day to day basis.
Work flows and job descriptions will also be adjusted so that customer service levels can be bench marked, measured and improved upon by all employees.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$5,437.50 pp
Instructional Hours
15 classroom hours
The Psychology of Selling
Trainees will understand the psychology of selling, what motivates people. They will also learn what conversion rates are, with regards to marketing, and how to influence them.
Developing a marketing plan
(intended learning outcomes)
Understanding what motivates someone to buy
Reviewing current pricing and understanding marketing fundamentals in pricing strategy.
Leveraging customer service in marketing and pricing strategy to attract and retain the correct prospects.
Understanding, client acquisition cost, lifetime value of a client and current conversion rates.
Where is the business losing prospects and what to do about it
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$3,262.50 pp
Instructional Hours
9 classroom hours
Emotional Intelligence 1.0
- What is Emotional Intelligence
- Explore the affect of EI in the work place
- Impact of Stress and Job Satisfaction
- Emotions vs: Moods
(intended learning outcomes)
Develop insights and skills for dealing with issues among both individuals and groups.
Building trust and awareness.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Behavioural Styles 1.0
- Introduction to DISC & VAK
- Personality profiling what is it
- Which One are We and What to do About it
- VAK Modalities of communication and learning
(intended learning outcomes)
Helps you to understand and adapt Your behavioral style to that of others Learn. Trainees will learn how to Build Rapport and improve communication skills.
Understand the 4 primary human communication behaviors.
Self identification.
How to identify others and communicate more effectively
Helping to form relationships and better communication amongst others.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
5 Elements of Customer Service – An Introduction
This is a high level overview of each of the 5 Elements of Customer Service, providing the context for the detailed programs that follow.
(intended learning outcomes)
Each trainee will learn the 5 Key Elements of Customer Service, their detail & why they are significant to building a strong customer service foundation in an organization.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
12 Building Blocks of Customer Service – An overview
Overview of the 12 Building Blocks of Customer Service
(intended learning outcomes)
Each trainee will learn the 12 Building Blocks of Customer Service & why they are important. This is a high level overview of each block, providing the foundation for the detailed programs that follow.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1.087.50 pp
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
5 Element of Customer Service – #4 Learn to Improve
Defining of The 6 Levels of Customer Service – overview
(intended learning outcomes)
Each trainee will learn the 6 Levels of Customer Service & why they are important. This is a high level overview of each element, providing the foundation for the detailed programs that follow.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,087.50 pp
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
The 6 Levels of Customer Service – awareness
Create awareness with employees on the various levels of customer service. Help them understand what customer service actually could be versus their day to day experiences.
(intended learning outcomes)
Identify existing customer service levels with your organization and attempt to quantify them.
Look at competition and attempt to quantify their service levels.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
The 6 Levels of Customer Service – early implementation
The trainees will learn to define and identify the various levels of customer service, both within and outside their organization.
(intended learning outcomes)
The trainees will learn to define and identify the various levels of customer service, as they experience customer service within their organization and as they interact with businesses on a day to day basis on a personal level learning to identify and adopt positive customer service behaviours.
Attempt to set customer service level standards and targets.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$2,175 pp
Instructional Hours
6 classroom hours
The 6 Levels of Customer Service – benchmarking
Trainees will start to understand what it means to benchmark performance within an organization.
(intended learning outcomes)
With a working knowledge of customer service levels, the trainees will begin to review the internal benchmarks they have set. They will also be able to more accurately start to review and Benchmark the competition.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,087.50 pp
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
5 Element of Customer Service – #4 Learn to Improve
Perception Points – Introduction
(intended learning outcomes)
Define what a perception point is.
Identify perception points within the organization.
Identify service level problems at specific points within your organization.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$2,175 pp
Instructional Hours
6 classroom hours
Promoting Team Effectiveness 1.0
This is an introduction to Team Effectiveness. This is introductory training where the employees will learn and understand the importance of team dynamics.
(intended learning outcomes)
This is a high level overview of Team Effectiveness. It will help the trainees begin to understand how team purpose, roles, goals, plans, objectives are connected with each other and to the organizational chart and job function. Laying the ground work for increased understanding of job performance expectation and job satisfaction.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
The Four Actions of Discipline for Execution 1.0 Introduction
This is an introduction to “The Four Actions of Discipline for Execution”. This is introductory module where the employees will learn the definitions of The Disciplines of Execution.
(intended learning outcomes)
This is a high level overview of “The Four Actions of Discipline for Execution”. Each trainee will learn the 4 Disciplines of Execution, their definitions and how they impact an organization. The trainees will begin to understand and how their roles in the organization are connected to each of the 4 Disciplines.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
5 EofCS: #4 LtoI
Define 6 Levels CS – Overview
(intended learning outcomes)
Each trainee will learn the 6 Levels of Customer Service & why they are important. This is a high level overview of each element, providing the foundation for the detailed programs that follow.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,087.50 pp
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
5 EofCS: #4 LtoI
Perception Points – An Introduction
(intended learning outcomes)
Define what a perception point is.
Identify perception points within the organization.
Identify service level problems at specific points within your organization.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$2,175 pp
Instructional Hours
6 classroom hours
Tug of War – Push Me Pull You
Communication: Teach the fundamentals of communication and communication styles.
(intended learning outcomes)
Improved communication. Improved communication starts first with each individual understanding how they prefer to communicate. Step two is to teach the 8 communication styles. Step three is to understand how the team members communicate, to appreciate where they are coming from, and their style of communication.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Who’s The Brain
Take individuals from hearing – to listening – to doing!
(intended learning outcomes)
Provide techniques and create awareness on effective listening. Eliminate miscommunication by eliminating “filling in the blanks” when talking with others.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
All for One and One for All
Improve communication under pressure. Explore, find and learn new ways to communicate under pressure!
(intended learning outcomes)
Learn and discover the unique values that others bring to the table and to relationships. The participants will learn their unique leadership values and demonstrate their commitment to the team.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Silent Communication
We forget how easy it is to tell someone to do a task or what our body language is projecting
(intended learning outcomes)
Each participant will learn the effect of body language in communication. Help your team become aware of the difference between “underlining” body language vs. “messaging” body language.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Think Inside the Box
Learn to think outside the box and learn to be adaptable. This program challenges you to work through a series of tasks while emphasizing how you problem solve with plan development, problems solving, and adaptability.
(intended learning outcomes)
The participants will learn what it means to think outside the box, in the workplace and at home. They will also learn when and where outside the box thinking will be effective and appreciated. More importantly, they will learn how to apply this knowledge and skill to improve their effectiveness in the workplace.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Leadership is the Action
This program will help individuals to find the leader within, to set a clear vision and to guide their ideas through communication, deliverance and implementation.
(intended learning outcomes)
Increase employee performance an productivity through improves problem solving techniques. These skills will also help participants reduce conflict in their workplace while increasing collaboration.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Leadership Billiards – The Leader Within
This program is designed to help employees understand and fit into this new world and become comfortable working in this new environment and develop the much needed skills to manage and deal with more change.
(intended learning outcomes)
Understanding and embracing change! Change is happening all around us and everything is changing faster and faster. Businesses are no longer creating 10-15 year business plans; they are creating 1-3 year plans with a look at year 5.
Participants will learn to understand the rate of change, how the rate of change has changed over the last 75 years and the impact it is going to have on them, their work careers, and their relationships.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Leadership – Common Sense 101
A major part of effective communication is understanding who you are communicating with. This program examines the many changes in the workplace and its people to improve the participants’ understanding of those they work with.
(intended learning outcomes)
The workplace of 2020 and the impact on employees of all ages while feeling comfortable working and communicating effectively in this new and changing workplace.
Each participant will leave this program with a clear definition of common sense, what it means today, what it used to be and how to modify their language and expectations in an ever-changing workplace.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Trust creates innovation, collaboration, creative thinking and increases productivity. This program is about understanding and fostering trust in relationships that matter.
(intended learning outcomes)
Participants will learn to trust, learn what trust is and isn’t. The participants will become more effective employees and more reliable through understanding trust and becoming more trustworthy in themselves and in others. They will then learn how capable they are of trust and will develop skills and knowledge that improves their ability to trust other in the workplace and at home.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
$1,450 pp
Instructional Hours
4 classroom hours
Leadership Fundamentals
– LF 101
An introduction to leadership introduces the importance of self awareness and the value of time and how it impacts our ability to lead.
(intended learning outcomes)
To understand the definition of leadership, and more importantly learn how to apply leadership skills in your personal and work life. The attendees will learn how self awareness and the value of time impact our ability to lead successfully.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
Leadership Fundamentals
– LF 201
Great leaders need to learn and have harmony in their life. The program introduces these topics, their importance and how to integrate them into their lives on a daily basis.
(intended learning outcomes)
The attendees will learn how open mindedness and harmony on our ability to lead successfully. They will also learn that there is no such thing as balance and how balance gets in the way of success.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
Characteristics of Successful People:
CofSP – Mindset
Developing a leadership and success Mindset.
(intended learning outcomes)
The attendees will learn the difference between how they think and how successful people think. They will also start to learn what and how they can start thinking different, more in line with the changes they want to make in their life.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
Characteristics of Successful People:
CofSP – Goal Setting
Goal setting … why it matters and the how great goal setting can change the results we are getting in life and in business.
(intended learning outcomes)
All attendees will learn what good goal setting looks like, how to set goals and provide the tools they need for continued goal setting.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
Characteristics of Successful People:
CofSP – Reflection – Gap Analysis
Goal setting without review is futile. This program is about how to evaluate results and progress towards our goals. It will cover perspective, how much time do we have left, to our current results and desired results.
(intended learning outcomes)
This program builds on CofSP – Goal Setting. It will take the attendees through a series of exercises to help them evaluate the current results of their live and career.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
6 classroom hours
Characteristics of Successful People:
CofSP – Lessons from the Coaching Office
What my clients have taught me about success, results and what not to do.
(intended learning outcomes)
This 3-hour program is all about modeling, real people and real results. It will also provide attendees real life examples of actions that limit success and how people have followed a process to change improve their results in life.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
The results we have in life are in direct relation to the actions we take and what we think about. This program helps the attendees understand that correlation.
(intended learning outcomes)
The attendees will walk away from this program with a complete working knowledge of the correlation between our thoughts, our actions and our results. More importantly the attendees will also understand what needs to change for their results to change.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
2 classroom hours
– Our 3 Brains
This program introduces the topic of Our 3 Brains and how they work to limit or increase our success. The monkey brain, the robot brain and the sage brain work in concert, just not always the way we want.
(intended learning outcomes)
All attendees will learn the how the ‘3 Brains” work in concert to help us succeed and how they get in the way. They will also learn the keys to controlling “The 3 Brains” for success.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
5 Rules of Leadership
– 5 Rules of leadership 101
Rules 1 & 2 of Leadership are introduced in this program, “Innovation & Mastery” and “Vital functions the 80/20 x3 Rule”.
(intended learning outcomes)
Attendees will the importance of Innovation in their work and personal lives while defining mastery and how successful people use 1% of their activity to generate 52% of their results.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
5 Rules of Leadership
– 5 Rules of leadership 201
Rules 3, 4 & 5 of Leadership are covered in this program, Authenticity, Guts and Ethics.
(intended learning outcomes)
The attendees will explore, discover and learn for themselves the significance and importance of why personal rules create success, for themselves and those around them. They will learn how Authenticity, guts and ethics play a significant role in the success of others.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
9 Fundamentals of Personal Performance & Leadership
– 9 FPP&L – 101
This program covers the First 3 Fundamentals of Personal Performance. It will demonstrate how goal setting, inspiration and open mindedness work together to create success.
(intended learning outcomes)
All attendees will learn how to use personal, (internal and external) inspiration to set clear, fun, goals. They will also learn how open mindedness will improve their quality of life.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
9 Fundamentals of Personal Performance & Leadership
– 9 FPP&L – 102
This program covers the next 3 Fundamentals of Personal Performance: Harmony, Self Talk and Family. The program explains how these 3 Fundamentals work together to create success.
(intended learning outcomes)
Attendees will learn why there is no such as balance and understand how to create harmony in their work and personal lives. They will learn the impact of how we speak to ourselves will help or hinder their success. It will also demonstrate the significance of family on our results in life.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours
9 Fundamentals of Personal Performance & Leadership
– 9 FPP&L – 103
This program covers the Fundamentals of Personal Performance 7-9. No two people are created the same, as a result the path to success starts internally for each of us and is different for each of us. The paths maybe different, however the tools and fundamentals of success never change. To increase our performance and change our results we need to continue to increase our understanding of our selves. The program weaves together the tools and processes we need for self-awareness, lifestyle and personal health.
(intended learning outcomes)
This program is all about providing the students the tools they need to increase their personal performance by increasing their self awareness through effective self reflection. It will also cover inspiration and how life style elevation breads success and change. Lastly, it will also help the attendees understand the impact of personal health and fitness has on our result in life and in our careers.
Delivery method of instruction
Classroom: Facilitator Lead
Program Level(s)
Instructional Hours
3 classroom hours